Python Fundamentals

Python Fundamentals is a beginner-level computer programming course suitable for casual students. In Python Fundamentals, students will go from having little to zero programming experience to being comfortable with writing basic programs in Python.

This course consists of 7 sessions and students are encouraged to take each session in consecutive order. A wide array of topics universal to computer programming as a whole will be introduced using Python for learning purposes.


Registration is currently closed as maximum capacity has been reached.

Notice: I am retired from teaching and mentoring, and this course is no longer active.

General Information

Full Course Overview

Session 1: Introduction, Data Types I

Session 2: Data Types II

Session 3: Boolean Logic

Session 4: Control Flow Structures

Session 5: Functions

Session 6: Object-Oriented Programming

Session 7: Libraries, Modules, and Project Structure

Optional Projects

Create Your Own Adventure

This is a project that is ideally to be done after the completion of “Session 4: Control Flow Structures.” Synthesize the topics learned in Session 4 and earlier in order to create a text-based “Create Your own Adventure” game. You can be as creative as you’d like – this is your game! Your program should at minimum synthesize the following topics:

Four-Function Calculator

This is a project that is ideally to be done after the completion of “Session 5: Functions.” Create a four-function calculator. Your program should at minimum synthesize the following topics:

Text-Based RPG

This is a project that is ideally to be done after the completion of “Session 7: Libraries, Modules, and Project Structure.” Create a text-based RPG with inventories, player information, quests, and more. You can be as creative as you’d like. Your program should at minimum synthesize the following topics: