Computer and Network Security

Computer and Network Security is an advanced-level computer security course suitable for students who already have a strong background in computer science. In Computer and Network Security, students will be learning the fundamentals of security implementations, vulnerabilities, and exploitation with an emphasis at the network level.

This course consists of 18 sessions and students are encouraged to take each session in consecutive order. A narrow array of topics will be covered in-depth.


Registration is currently closed as maximum capacity has been reached.

Notice: I am retired from teaching and mentoring, and this course is no longer active.

General Information

Full Course Overview

Session 1: Security Fundamentals

Session 2: Prelude to Buffer Overflows

Session 3: Buffer Overflows I

Session 4: Buffer Overflows II

Session 5: Computer Networks I

Session 6: Computer Networks II

Session 7: Computer Networks III

Session 8: Computer Networks IV

Session 9: Computer Networks V

Session 10: Computer Networks VI

Session 11: Computer Networks VII

Session 12: Network Security I

Session 13: Network Security II

Session 14: Network Security III

Session 15: Network Security IV

Session 16: Network Security V

Session 17: Network Security VI

Session 18: Network Security VII