Out For a Bit
Hey. I’ve been absent for a bit, and I’m unfortunately going to be absent for a little bit longer as I sort out some things with my health. My posting schedule may be a bit erratic for a few weeks and my email replies will be delayed. Thank you for...
No Post This Week
Howdy. There will be no post this week. To be honest, I injured myself in a very dumb and minor way. I’ll be totally alright but it’s made typing quite a chore for me in the meanwhile. I’ll get back to you next week with some project updates. Until then,...
I Got 99 Problems and They're All in Fahrenheit
I’d meant to post a final update on my garage workshop project soon, but honestly, it’s become too damn hot in beautiful Merced, California. I’m lucky that I work a hybrid schedule so I don’t need to venture out into the otherworldly heat every day, but the heat nonetheless still...
Starting a Homelab
Howdy! The past few days have been a bit rough for me so today’s post is going to be pretty short. A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I’d be starting a homelab. Over the past week or so, I’ve been doing a lot of planning and material gathering...
Manual LoRa Demodulation Given Limited Information
Demodulating LoRa manually is a non-trivial task that requires a deep and fundamental understanding of RF and LoRa. Although there exist plenty of tools on the Internet today that can easily and automatically demodulate LoRa given I/Q data and the right arguments, having limited information to inform the latter leaves...
Summer Projects
I’m not a student anymore so I don’t really get summer vacations, but I work in higher ed so I at least know when summer vacation starts and ends – well, that and I live in the Central Valley, so it usually starts when it begins to get unbearably hot...
BSidesSF 2024: Pretty Good
I was at BSidesSF last weekend, and it was pretty good! I visited a bunch of villages, did a bunch of CTFs, picked a lot of locks, and met some really cool people. Anyways, here’s the good, the bad, and the travel advice for any future attendees of a BSidesSF...
I'll Be at BSidesSF 2024
Howdy. This will be a short post. I’m going to BSidesSF 2024 this weekend. I’ll primarily be going to talks and hanging out at the lockpick, hardware, and embedded systems villages as well as participating in the CTF with my team. I’ll also be attending the party on Saturday night....
New Beginnings
Hey. It’s been a while. I was working on some projects for the past few months and then I was honestly just burnt out for a while. I had originally meant to post this a month or so ago, but I’ve just been lacking energy lately. Perhaps it’s the change...
Taking a Break
Hey, I’m exhausted and have a lot on my plate. I’m gonna be taking a break for a while. I’ll be back with the IrisCTF writeups once I finish everything else I have to do. See you in a few weeks! Until then, Happy hacking.
IrisCTF Starts Tomorrow!
IrisCTF 2024 starts TOMORROW! My team has been working really hard to make this event happen, so I want to see you there. Register at 2024.iric.tf. I hope to see a lot of familiar usernames in the chat room. Happy hacking!
See You Next Year!
Hey, I’m gonna be gone for a few weeks to visit family, finish up IrisCTF, and focus on sending some job apps. I hope your 2023 was awesome and I’ll see you next year! I’ll be back with plenty to talk about – don’t worry. Until then, Happy trails!
Mediocrity in a Post-College Life
Hey there. It’s been a while since I’ve talked about what’s been going on in my life. Not my projects or events or whatever, but me: Shawn D. Maybe that’s because I’ve become more closed off these past few months. Maybe that’s because, frankly, not much of interest has happened...
IrisCTF Registration is Open!
I’m excited to announce that registration is now open for IrisCTF 2024! You can register on our website at 2024.irisc.tf. We have a great cast of organizers this year and we’re really excited to pump out a top-notch event. IrisCTF 2024 will be starting January 6th at 00:00 UTC and...
IrisCTF Registration Opens Soon
I’m excited to announce that IrisCTF registration is opening soon! The team is working super hard on making this event happen and we’re really excited. As usual, I’ll be authoring the forensics, networks, and radio frequency challenges as these are my disciplines of expertise. We have a Twitter in the...
It’s Thanksgiving. I’m back in SoCal visiting my family and enjoying some time off from work, which frankly has been draining lately. I haven’t much to talk about today besides thanks to give: thanks to my family, friends, and teammates, to my teachers and mentors and everyone who’s helped me...