

- Out For a Bit
- No Post This Week
- I Got 99 Problems and They're All in Fahrenheit
- Starting a Homelab
- Manual LoRa Demodulation Given Limited Information
- Summer Projects
- BSidesSF 2024: Pretty Good
- I'll Be at BSidesSF 2024
- New Beginnings
- Taking a Break
- IrisCTF Starts Tomorrow!
- See You Next Year!
- Mediocrity in a Post-College Life
- IrisCTF Registration is Open!
- IrisCTF Registration Opens Soon
- Gratitude
- HTP!m 2023 Status Report
- No Post This Week
- Devlog(s) Delayed
- HTP!m Devlog 3: Soldering, PCBs, Firmware, Foundation, K8s, and Web Dev
- HTP!m Devlog 2: Set Planning, Soldering, Firmware, and Web Dev
- HTP!m Devlog 1: Team Assembly, Learning, and Execution
- HTP!m Devlog 0: Planning, Logstics, Mockups, and Schematics
- "Hack the Planet! mini" is a Go!
- A Walk Through a Complete Digital Forensic Investigation
- IrisCTF 2024 is a Go!
- I Gave a Talk About Computer Hacking to IIIT Bangalore
- An Honest Review of DEF CON 31
- How to Not Get Pwned at DEF CON
- Catching Up
- On Hiatus
- What's Next For Me
- Out Sick
- No Post This Week
- "Hack the Planet!" and Badger Were Hits!
- Working Hard on "Hack the Planet!"
- HackMerced Registrations Open!
- For Hire
- Come Hack the Planet at HackMerced VIII!
- IrisCTF 2023 Select Forensics, RF, and Networking Writeups
- IrisCTF 2023 Author Writeups Coming Soon
- IrisCTF 2023 Was a Huge Success!
- Come to IrisCTF 2023!
- Hiatus Extended Until 2023-01-05
- Taking a Hiatus Until 2022-12-15
- No Post This Week
- No Post This Week
- No Post This Week
- No Post This Week
- HackerPass Draft
- IrisCTF 2023 Will Be Happening January 7th!
- No Post This Week
- Busy
- Some Upcoming Stuff
- My Experiences at DEF CON
- Recovering from DEF CON
- A Dive Into IPv6: Forcing Hosts to Change IPs Using Rogue Router Advertisements
- Attacking OTP Using a Biased Key Generation
- Extracting Data Hidden in ARP Frames
- SSH Tunneling to Bypass SFTP Jail and Leak a Database
- First Impressions of the Flipper Zero
- The Joy of Making a Difference
- No Post This Week
- No Post This Week
- No Post This Week
- I'm Going to DEF CON
- The Importance of Pride in Fostering a Free World
- How I Created Pacman Digest
- Finishing My Third Year and Summer Projects
- What I Learned Developing Amelior
- Finals Season Stress
- What a Typical Day Looks Like for Me
- No Post This Week
- How I Hacked a DDR Mat to Fly Drones
- Where I'm At
- How I Safely Connect to My Desktop From Across the Internet
- Everything Will Be OK
- Setting Up an Android App Development Terminal Workflow on Linux
- The Futile Limitations of Language and the Power of Empathy
- My Naive Opinion on the Cyberwar
- Thoughts on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
- Performing NAL Transplants to Recover Corrupted Media
- How I Hacked a Network to Get Some Sleep
- No Post This Week
- Backlogged and Stressed
- Writing a DNS Resolver From Scratch (Part 1)
- Writing Sub-Byte Data in C
- An Introduction to DNS
- Looking Back Before Looking Forward
- To Be Home
- The Autumn Leaves Depart
- The Importance of Adversity
- An Open Invitation to Question
- Gratitude
- Why Your Philosophy to Programming Sucks
- Can Anybody Hear Me?
- No Post This Week
- Python Workshops Successfully Concluded!
- Hack the Power!
- About Work Ethic
- Check Out WhiteHoodHacker's Blog Post!
- All of Those Yesterdays Coming Down
- Reflecting on My Experiences Teaching at Brown Youth Academy
- What Motivates Me Is Not What Drives Me
- Summer Lost
- Natural Talent is Baloney
- August's Summer Leaves
- Deciphering an Unknown File and Navigating MS-DOS to Retrieve a Flag
- Diffing Images and Using Columnar LSB to Retrieve a Message
- Performing Digital Forensics on an Apple Tablet to Recover Evidence
- UC Merced's Student Housing Crisis
- Arch Linux UEFI+Encrypted+i3 Minimal Installation
- Executing a Textbook ret2libc Attack to Pop a Shell
- Excited to Compete at redpwnCTF 2021
- nya! Devlog 2
- SVG-Based XSS
- Slowly Slipping into Summertime Stresses
- Starting a New Networking Project
- nya! Devlog 1
- nya! Devlog 0
- Summer Projects
- The End of My Second Year
- The Fog of Memories
- The Ugliness of Cancel Culture
- Hanging On, Holding On
- IrisSec Wins the National Cyber League
- No Post This Week
- Zero-Width Character Steganography
- Never Enough Hours in a Day
- If Love is the Answer You Hold, Hold On
- Spring 2021 Python Workshops Information
- Catch Me at the National Cyber League
- Projects Paused Until Further Notice
- A Resource-Dependent Job Scheduling Algorithm Based on Graph Theory
- Catch Me at the Cipher Tech Challenge
- Spring 2021 Python Workshops Confirmed
- Crash Course Git
- Maximum Capacity Reached
- My Python Programming Style
- Preparing for Spring
- Hello World!